Why Doctor Insurance?

We add tremendous value to your insurance money with our :

1. Domain Expertise :

Insurance expertise is getting scarcer in these days of insurance being commoditized. For the campus recruited MBA, insurance is a not a life-time profession, it is just a stop-over to move on in the financial services market. So the next time you meet a smartly dressed sales person, ask if he / she has a formal insurance qualification (FIII / AIII). If they have, go ahead, for they would know what they are selling.

The Consultants, at Dr. Insurance, bring deep insurance domain knowledge and enormous hands-on experience to the job. They have the highest professional and insurance qualifications to understand your insurance needs. They bring to the table a combined experience of over 160 years to ensure that you get high quality advice on the right and complete insurance coverage.

2. Bespoke solutions :

We believe that each of our Corporate clients is unique and hence their insurance needs require customized solutions. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to providing insurance solutions. More often, new customers feel that we are asking for too much of info. The truth is, we need as much info as possible to understand the intricate nature of the risk and arrange comprehensive coverage so that there is no room for a surprise when a loss takes place.

3. Pricing Advantage :

We enjoy special relationships with many insurance companies because of our long association with them. As a direct result, we get special rates which bring down your insurance premiums. To be sure, we never compromise on your coverage for the sake of bringing down the price.

4. Horses for courses approach :

Today, no single insurer can claim to be strong in all products. Insurance buying is not just about getting a great price. Its about knowing which insurer understands the specific risk better, who has the capability to respond when a misfortune strikes you or your business and who can ensure that your claim is processed without hassles. We have our ears planted to the ground, so we know who has the best hospital tie-ups for health insurance, who has the best garage tie-ups for cash-less car claims and who will drive you up the pole should you make a property claim tomorrow. The suave customer of today doesn't mind if his health insurance is with one insurer, the accident insurance with another and the life insurance with a third insurer.

5. Flexibility :

Flexibility remains a key to our success and standing in the market, not just through the products and services that we offer but also in our relationships with the clients. Our founder Late Mr. Thyagarajan's vision that "the client should get the service no matter when he needs it, what his requirements are and where he is present" is Bible to us. Whether you connect with us on phone or through email, our teams is dedicated to providing you with a hands-on service of the highest quality.

6. Assurance :

In this dynamic market, where people change professions very often, where it is not unusual to see an employee hopping two insurance companies in a year and when the address and the telephone numbers of even insurance companies change, it is reassuring to find your consultant to have the same address and telephone number for 60 years. What has also not changed is our dedication to the consultancy profession and the commitment to our clients. This gives unalloyed assurance to our clients that should they meet with a misfortune, they know who will respond and guide them out of the crisis.

7. Neutrality :

Often, insurers sell what they want to, not what you need. Not just in India, this happens all over the world..."insurance is always sold". In contrast, we represent your interest, find out the best solution suitable to your need and place it with the best insurer for that product. Your interest remains the prime focus for us. So, you may find 3 - 4 insurers catering to your various needs but we remain the common chord and a one-stop shop. We walk along with you, no matter which insurer is carrying your risk.